Welcome to my blog

I'll try and blog oftern for my fans (if and when i get any). If i am ill i will still try and get on, it might be a challange though. The only days other than that i may not be able to blog it Wednesday's and Fridays <-- As i am not at home. I'd love to here from you guys and read your blogs as oftern as I can. Happy Blogging!!

Friday 15 April 2011


Hey Everyone,

Vampires are so in this year in the UK. This happend when a seriese of books by Stephenie Meyer came out called the Twilight saga, it is a seriese of four books:
  1. Twilight
  2. New Moon
  3. Eclipse
  4. Bracking Dawn
You have to read them in that order to get the gist of the story. Personly i would totaly recomend them I'v read the twice (right after finishing my 1st time round).
Then shortly after a seriese on TV started called The Vampire Direys. I love these series also, I wish they were real ... I wish it was me it all happend to.

So anyway back on topic ...
Vampires have evolved loads over the years.

Dead Ugly

These un dead living creatures were described as short, fat,and sweaty, with pointy ears, rat-like teeth and smelly breath. There bodys would be bloated and they would be dressed rag coverd horribly with blood, blood would drip aimlesly from there mouth.

A Novel Idea

In the 19th centry vampires had changed an awful lot they became classy. With sunken cheeks, flowing hair, long dark thinger nails, and white fangs, skin like marble and a hungry look. The vampire was still feard with its diabolical smile and piercing gaze.

Golden Age

These vampires are still rememberd well today with a long black cape almost in the shape of bats wings, these vampires apeard in loads of horror movies in the 20th centry. Usherly feeling cold as ice all the time with a thick foreign accent, the fangs were longer and hair shorter, jelled back on the top of his head. They turned red with anger.

Todays Vampire

Modern vampires are thought to look like proper humans with a sent of vinilla that follows them and they have the abilitys to mind read and gain instant speed. But there is one big give away to there identity, there eyes change coloer when they lust for blood.

All this information is not my own knolage, a book helped me called The Vampire Book - The legends, the lore, the allure. It's a DK book bought from The works a shop in England, im not sure if its in any other country but if you are obsesed with vampires this book holds everything you might want to know. Here are a few topics involved:

  • Creation -A VAMPIRE IS BORN-
  • Appearance (i used this to help me with the detail above)
  • Thirst for blood
  • The life of the dead
  • How to destroy a vampire
  • Kali -Hindu goddedd of destruction-
  • Flying Fire and caribbean crones
  • Dark angels -vampires come of age-
  • Vampire hunters
  • Falling in love
There are about 50 diffrent headings in the book for you to explore. When i bought it, it was priced at £3.99. To me it was a brilliant buy.
This is the front cover of the book to help you find
it if its in a store near you.
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Thank you for reading.


Tuesday 5 April 2011

New to Blogger

So here's how it goes. Yesterday after school I joind twitter and i was thinking how can I become popular on twitter? Then I thought how about a blog to tell people more about me, my style of living ect. But I wont be giving out personal information because common sence is with me on that point.

So on twitter follow me (Chloz9), Hope you enjoy following me and being apart of my randomness.

So thats it for now.


Chloe (Chloz9)