Welcome to my blog

I'll try and blog oftern for my fans (if and when i get any). If i am ill i will still try and get on, it might be a challange though. The only days other than that i may not be able to blog it Wednesday's and Fridays <-- As i am not at home. I'd love to here from you guys and read your blogs as oftern as I can. Happy Blogging!!

Tuesday 5 April 2011

New to Blogger

So here's how it goes. Yesterday after school I joind twitter and i was thinking how can I become popular on twitter? Then I thought how about a blog to tell people more about me, my style of living ect. But I wont be giving out personal information because common sence is with me on that point.

So on twitter follow me (Chloz9), Hope you enjoy following me and being apart of my randomness.

So thats it for now.


Chloe (Chloz9)

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